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the eternal flow of the water of truth in the infinite heads of illusion

Realize that being in the world, as you perceive it, is a complete farce – and that this will be destroyed in order to emerge who you are. When you realize that you are not your name, nor what you do, nor what you see, the fundamental question arises: who are you?

This is the beginning of the encounter, this is the first touch of Truth in your head, in your mind. Note that you have no idea about yourself or anything else, and that, endlessly, you have just repeated what others said… Mineira. Woman. An incarnated spirit. Do you come down to this?

The game, then, is to confront the truth with good humor. Without a good mood you don't have a chance. A large dose of good humor is essential, because – when you least expect it – you will have to give up everything you value as real and, lastly, give yourself up. It's a constant delivery.

According to our conditioning, we aim for the shortest possible process to achieve our goals. Preferably, one that offers the greatest degree of security as well. That's why, even in the face of the Truth, you try to bargain. You see that Consciousness is everything and you go around repeating it, as if you had already realized it – “Okay, I know!” – but that doesn't mean anything. You remain in the darkness saying that you are Consciousness.

In fact, Consciousness is you, but “you” is not Consciousness. 
