Intensive Satsang

The truth about who you are, is fully accessible. She's already yours! The only thing stopping you to see is “you”, with the ideas that overlap your gaze.

All ideas need to be tested in the fire of truth. Practicing a technique or looking in any direction other than within yourself means denying that you already are what you seek. It is in this denial that the buddha dies in you. You were born a buddha, but you kill it every time you say, “I am not a buddha.”

The world invites us to exchange our Buddha-identity for the false-identity-of-self. You live in a world full of beliefs. You believe you are a man, a woman, or something else. You believe you are 47 years old. You believe you are inside your body. You believe you are your parents' child. You believe you are a doctor. But these are all just clothes. Who are you behind all this fantasy?


Satsang is a revelation. It is for those who are tired of searching for answers and only find more questions or fleeting states of ecstasy. When standing before the one who has realized the essence of the buddha, the encounter is conveyed in a mysterious way – far beyond words.

This is the meaning of the word “mystic”: one who knows the mystery and transmits it simply with his presence. In the face of light, there is no darkness and what is true and what is a lie about who we really are becomes evident. A master is one who reveals the unique and singular Truth to all of us.

Just be present. Allow yourself! And all your questions will be addressed.

In this encounter, Satyaprem guides us towards the unknown: the world of silence as the matrix of all sounds, thoughts and emotions; which was always present, but hidden by ideas acquired and never proven. Realizing the deception and recognizing the mystery is the purpose of satsang. This is what it means to be in front of an enlightened person.
